Share Your WHY

Why do some companies seem to have the best employees ever, and your new hires typically quit after less than a year?

Maybe it’s you.

Founders and leaders often assume that everyone shares their passion. You’ve told your origin story so many times that everyone automatically gets it, right?

Share your company’s vision – WHY you do what you do – with all employees, as often as possible.

Consider this: A staggering 61% of employees don’t know their organization’s vision or understand how their job fits into the company’s purpose.

This causes employees to disengage. Disengaged employees are unmotivated and can create a negative work environment, or they quit.

It’s imperative that you share your company’s vision – WHY you do what you do – with ALL employees.

Practice stating your WHY as clearly and succinctly as possible. Drop in at new employee orientations to share it, or create a short video so every employee can hear it straight from you. Explain how each employee contributes to the organization’s success.  Employees will understand what you want to accomplish and how they fit in. You’ll build connections on a deep, emotional level.

Read more of my tips for building engagement and the perfect book to help you explore your WHY. Let’s work on this together! 

Sherri Miller, Founder and CEO
Center For Extraordinary Success

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